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  • Janette Kerr Land of Ice

Walking a liminal line

Updated: Oct 16, 2020

14.00 – 16.00 Sunday February 23rd 2020, Skagaströnd

Celebrated on the last day of the Roman year Terminalia is marked on February 23rd. Walking the Invisible - A short walk of any distance from 5 paces to 50 kilometres that takes place along an invisible boundary. The walk can take place anywhere  - in town or country - desert - mountain - under water

Mine will be here - along “Peninsula-Beach”; 65.8242° N 20.3080° W

Not sure how far it will be - until I get cold, until I sit down and draw, until it snows, until it gets dark..

Wait till it stops snowing, then I’m out.

Black rocks forming a barrier between sea and land. On one side sea rolls in fast breaking on rock, pale brown sea birds wheeling and a lone raven above the edge.

On the other side industrial buildings, snow piled up

Crunching sometimes slipping across snow and ice built up high. Following lines made in the snow. Clink of my crampons as I walk makes me think I'm wearing spurs; maybe I should swagger.

Wind blowing cold and hard from the south-south-west. Mist promising more snow hangs over the mountains.

Patches of blue sky – sun breaks through above graduated black grey to light grey cloud.

In places small tufts of green yellow grass stick valiantly above the snow.

Over the bridge the river has disappeared under mounds of snow – it’s under there somewhere.

Take a chance and jump across ice blocks to solid ground. Made it.

Snow blown into ridges – keep to the shiny ice parts, they’re firmer underfoot.

White snow, ice black, ragged line of brown/black sand ebbing and flowing surf and sea roaring, pull back, crashing, then a kind of gasp, and rush of shingle.

Silver on black sea peach sky dark sky

On the beach I find a large skate brought in on the tide; skin mottled pink brown. Food for the hungry gulls.

Line of snow hanging above black beach looping like a scalloped pattern.

Sky peachy patches peaking, dark blue grey above; black rock and earth, cold dark blue grey silver sea rolling below

Mountains still covered in slow-moving mist appearing disappearing appearing

White black white black white black white black white black white black white black white

Much as I try to stay on the hard ice-snow I slip and flounder to my knees. The raven accompanies me now and then, dipping overhead then soaring away. Eider ducks near the shore riding the waves with the gulls. I remember being in the sea as a small child learning to ride and dive into the waves.

A mass of tangled thick seaweed ropes washed up lie scattered on the sand, small wading birds and gulls running and picking at them.

Sea coming in, I climb the rocks and sink in snow.

Sitting drawing; roar of sea and wind in my ears.

In the far distance tiny cars along an invisible line of tarmac.

Cold now.

Walking back everything in reverse just a bit darker and colder. Can’t find that skate but there’s that raven.

White mist grey mist purple mist blue mist glow sun blue sky turquoise sky

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1 Comment

Feb 24, 2020

What wonderful photos in such beautiful landscape, I have been transported! I can feel the cold, amazing, I would so love to have that experience, but a bit of a wimp! xx

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